Report Details

I first adopted this mile in 1995. I left Oregon and discontinued my watch in 2007.  I've returned to Oregon and have just re-adopted this very same mile.I hiked in on the Tahkenitch Creek trail.  The first thing I noticed is the extensive roping off for the plover along the last 1/3 mile trail TO the beach.  Once on the beach, the roping is now on both sides of the creek. I see is that there is a lot more habitat for the endangered snowy plover to nest;all planned and good.  Around 1997, ODNRA bulldozed and used herbicides to rid the invasive European beach grass to create designated habitat for the plover.  It's been improving since then.  Also, the signage is much more direct and extensive, warning hikers to walk only on the wet sand, etc.Because of very low tide and need to stay on wet sand, I was maybe 75 yards from roping, making it impossible to spot any plovers.  I can't make any comment on the changes from last time, but I'll look for them when I return in the fall.


Temperature: 56 F. Cloud Cover: Partly Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 0.7 feet.

Driftline Content

Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt). Small numbers of Dungeness crab shells. Small number of decaying Vella vella

Natural Changes

Newly exposed roots/trees falling.

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All Mile 155 Reports

Showing 8 of 18 reports

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 155

Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek

October 13, 2018


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 155

Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek

July 1, 2018

I first adopted this mile in 1995.


Mile 155

Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek

September 25, 2017


Mile 155

Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek

October 12, 2016

Overcast following morning fog.


Mile 155

Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek

October 11, 2016

Warm, sunny day with the wind from the NE at 10-15 mph.


Mile 155

Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek

October 10, 2016

An overcast day with light wild (10mph) from NW.


Mile 155

Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek

October 9, 2016

Clear, sunny day with 20 mph wind from southwest and 3 foot waves.


Mile 155

Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek

October 5, 2015

Takenitch creek and its associated estuary contained much lower water flow than in previous years with the outlet to the ocean approximately 10 feet wide and 1 foot deep (see pix).
