Mile Details

All Mile 61 Reports

Showing 8 of 8 reports

Mile 61

West of New River, Floras Creek, Langlois

September 20, 2020

Another sunny windless day.


Mile 61

West of New River, Floras Creek, Langlois

October 22, 2009

One beach walker was collecting agates on a clean, wind-swept beach.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 61

West of New River, Floras Creek, Langlois

April 21, 2009

Human activity was limited to U.


Mile 61

West of New River, Floras Creek, Langlois

March 6, 2009

Five people, accompanied by three dogs, were agate hunting on the beach.


Mile 61

West of New River, Floras Creek, Langlois

December 5, 2008

Mile 61 had been reworked with significant overtopping.


Mile 61

West of New River, Floras Creek, Langlois

September 22, 2008

Mile 61 exhibited a clean surf line and beach.


Mile 61

West of New River, Floras Creek, Langlois

April 24, 2008

Mile 61 remained free of natural and man made debris.


Mile 61

West of New River, Floras Creek, Langlois

February 28, 2008

Mile 61 was relatively free of natural and man made debris, dead wildlife and human incursion with the exception of 4 sets of old ATV tracks.
